Is hotel industry good for future

Image result for hotel industry is good futureWith the escalating demand of hotels in India, the hotel management industry has huge growth potential in the near future. The demand for smart and skilled professionals in this industry is growing at a fast pace, not only in India but also worldwide. There is a dire need for skilled and retainable professionals.
Yes, in the next five to 10 years much will change in hotel marketing and hotel technology, but the core values of the hospitality industry won't. In essence, travel industry trends tend to stay the same, it's just the way hotels will capitalise on them that will be different.
What’s the future of the hospitality industry?
Paul Breslin, Managing Director of Horwath HTL, Atlanta

“What we know from the trends today that people are ever changing and in search of new experiences. The reason for people to travel will be for business and leisure some part of groups and some as individuals.
What will change is the hotels will deliver separate experiences in the same hotel for the different types of guests. Look for hotels to improve how they serve the leisure guests needs such as families, couples with the use of technology.
Hotels will be designed around the specific needs of the traveler with more individual personalized services and improved advance notice of what the guest expect and delivered just “in time” as expected with a wow!
Hotels and their guests will have greater connection with the local environment, providing deeper connection with the local culture, think farm to table in everything we do. Food will be fresher, local, healthier, back to basics, more organic and less of it per person, yes smaller portions. There will be more guest-oriented designs, a lobby that is ever changing, creative, innovative.
Hotels will think differently, be healthier and offer immediate satisfaction.  Hotels will be a guest experience that touches all of the senses.”


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